Events - NASA Langley Research Center
19 April Webinar: “Global Crop Modeling and Climate-related Implications for Future Food Productivity with Dr. Jonas Jaegermeyr: Highlighting the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region.”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will be hosting the webinar: “Global Crop Modeling and Climate-related Implications for Future Food Productivity with Dr. Jonas Jaegermeyr: Highlighting the GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region. Focus: GLOBE Near East and North Africa Region,” on Tuesday, 19 April, 01:00 p.m. EDT (05:00 p.m. UTC).
06 April: Kick-Off Webinar for Trees Campaign Collaborative Spring 2022 IOP (22 April-22 May)
There will be a special kick-off webinar for the IOP on Wednesday, 06 April 2022, 11:00 a.m. EDT (08:00 a.m. PDT, 03:00 p.m. UTC, 05:00 p.m. CET). Please join us!
30 March: 2022 IVSS Judging Webinar
Are you interested in judging for the IVSS? Judges can be STEM professionals, alumni, teachers, grad students, or other interested community members. Typically, judging takes around 20-30 minutes per project; and GIO asks that you commit to at least three projects.
To join the webinar, which will take place on 30 March, 10:00 a.m. MT, click here (join at the time of the webinar, and use the password: 2022IVSS).
30 March: GLOBE “Pacing Guides” Webinar – Mosquitoes
Are you interested in working with The GLOBE Program, but not sure where to start? Assistance is here! NASA has worked with experienced GLOBE teachers to put together new one-week “Pacing Guides.” Each guide provides a five-day sequence of activities that address a guiding question. They are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and incorporate information on how to engage in science observations with GLOBE. Each Pacing Guide also includes an activity from My NASA Data using real satellite data.
23 March: GLOBE “Pacing Guides” Webinar – Urban Heat Islands
Are you interested in working with The GLOBE Program, but not sure where to start? Assistance is here! NASA has worked with experienced GLOBE teachers to put together new one-week “Pacing Guides.” Each guide provides a five-day sequence of activities that address a guiding question. They are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and incorporate information on how to engage in science observations with GLOBE. Each Pacing Guide also includes an activity from My NASA Data using real satellite data.
22 March: World Water Day (Celebrating? Share Your Inspirational Photos by 04 April)
World Water Day is 22 March. It is an annual United Nations Observance, started in 1993, that celebrates water and raises awareness of the two billion people currently living without access to safe water. A core focus of World Water Day is to inspire action towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Water and sanitation for All by 2030. If you are celebrating World Water Day this year, the GLOBE Implementation Office would like to share some of your photos with the community. (These may be posted on GLOBE social media platforms.)
03/21/2022 - 03/27/2022
21-27 March: Africa Regional Meeting
The Africa Regional Meeting will take place from 21-23 March 2022. This will be followed by a teacher training workshop on 24-27 March.
10 March: GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Mosquito Condos?
The GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) webinar, “Mosquito Condos?” will be held on Thursday, 10 March, at 01:00 p.m. EST (05:00 p.m. UTC).
02 March: “All About the European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign with Student Research Presentations from Across the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will be hosting the webinar: “All About the European Phenology 2022 Spring Tree Campaign with Student Research Presentations from Across the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region; Region Focus: Europe and Eurasia,” on Wednesday, 02 March, 01:00 p.m. EST (06:00 p.m. UTC).
02 March: GLOBE “Pacing Guides” Webinar – Trees
Are you interested in working with The GLOBE Program, but not sure where to start? Assistance is here! NASA has worked with experienced GLOBE teachers to put together new one-week “Pacing Guides.” Each guide provides a five-day sequence of activities that address a guiding question. They are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and incorporate information on how to engage in science observations with GLOBE. Each Pacing Guide also includes an activity from My NASA Data using real satellite data.
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