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Field Work

John D Ristvey, modified 1 Year ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 2/28/16 Recent Posts
One of the challenges posed at the meeting was about helping teachers with logistics of doing field work (clothing, going outside, maintaining equipment, etc.). What ideas/resources do you have to share with other ESS collaborative teams?

The ESS Padlet was developed to encourage ESS team members to post resources to share with others. Feel free to add to the ESS Padlet and reply to this post.  

Here is one resource from Mike O'Toole from Colorado that he placed on the ESS Padlet:
Padlet: https://padlet.com/jristvey/hcu0i8ggm56l7lsa
Resource: http://learninginplaces.org/seasonal-storyline/classroom-storyline/