
Colorado's Example Collaborative Network

Colorado has an Earth System Science Collaborative Network that brings together a variety of stakeholders from different sectors that work together to benefit ESS in Colorado. Here is a diagram of their ESS Network:

The goal of this project is not to duplicate the network that exists in Colorado, but create a network that is unique to your region that will also benefit ESS in your area. What it will look like and how it will look will be different for each region and is up to you and your network to shape.


How to Get Started

  • First, we are here to help you!
    • It’s okay if your team commitments are not firm yet
    • Let us know your ideas and how we can work together to make it happen
      • What are new opportunities for you?
  • Next, build your team
    • Identify and reach out to leaders from your area (e.g., ESS providers and GLOBE partners) about this opportunity.
    • Share the application to interested teams.
      • Use letter of invitation (provided)
      • Applications will be due on June 5, 2020 to the best of your ability
      • Incomplete teams can be filled after the deadline
  • Schedule 1:1 meeting with us and attend future planning webinar
  • Tentative: August 17-19, 2020 Planning Meeting in Boulder, CO
    • Space for the August workshop is limited to 30 participants total comprised of up to six teams


Interested? Please fill out this application by June 5, 2020: