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The Effect of Cumulus Clouds on Rainfalls in Mecca

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Areej Ateah Marwan AlSehly Al-Zhrani Ashjan Hussein Yaaesh Souena Al-Jahdali
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Manal Siddiq Ageel
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Clouds, Relative Humidity
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I am an Engineer, I make an Impact
Date Submitted:03/09/2019
Cumulus clouds and humidity and Rain
This study aims to investigate the effect of low cumulus clouds on rainfalls in Mecca Cumulus clouds of causes rainfall in Mecca because of the lack of rainfall in previous years. There are many questions raised on this regard. It is assumed that there is a direct relationship between rains and cumulus clouds, in which if cumulus clouds increased, rainfalls should increase. There is an explanatory experiment of rainfalls can be made using two I filled with water and the other were cooled by helium gas baloons and the other filled with Helium gas. Data analysis provided by Globe showed in the current assumptions there is no balance between the relative humidity and ratio of clouds forming with less controlling factors Another conclusion, there is a relationship between cloud forming and ratio of humidity. The layers of cumulus clouds with moisture increase rainfall plant growth Other factors controlling rainfalls in Mecca, such as upper cloud layers are cold, and such thing can be an obstacle in cloud forming process. There is also winds that blow from either land or sea. Therefore, there is a recommendation to orienting the stream of water runoff towards Mecca, towards the agricultural lands.
