North America Phenology Campaign FAQ

Can I enter green-down and green-up data with a "citizen scientist" account?

No. In order to upload green-down or green-up data (and create student accounts) the educators have to create an educator account and get trained in GLOBE protocols. This is easy now with GLOBE’s go-at-your-own-pace eTrainings. For phenology measurements, complete the Intro to GLOBE, Intro to the Biosphere, and the Green-Down eTrainings. Each eTraining takes about an hour and a half to complete, and they can download PD certificates at the end. 

Do I need to measure green-down/green-up on specific tree species?

Unlike the European campaign, we are not measuring specific tree species- but encouraging students to measure any native tree species that are accessible to them. 

How do I or my students record their observations?

You can collect green-down data using the GLOBE Observer App or using paper data sheets. If you use paper data sheets, you can enter data using the GLOBE data entry site

I would like my students to use the GLOBE Observer App to enter data. How do I set this up?

You can create student accounts from your “My Page” on the GLOBE website when you are logged in (see the tutorial for creating student accounts).  Students will log in to the app using the user name and login that you create  and enter the data for their tree. All the data would be housed under your account/school. You can create one account for each student, or one account for each student team.

When creating student accounts do educators need to provide any personal information regarding the student?

Student accounts are anonymous accounts, GLOBE never collects any student information. Students are able to log in with a GLOBE username and password created by the educator and all the data they submit is logged under the educators name/school. There is more information about privacy with GLOBE here.