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U.S. GLOBE Community: Mission SnowGLOBE Is On! Watch Informational Webinar Recordings


U.S. GLOBE Community: The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office invites teachers and students to participate in Mission SnowGLOBE, which began in January and runs through the end of March. The campaign is working in partnership with the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign to collect measurements during snow events and upload the data to the GLOBE website.

Everyone is welcome to participate; however, data is specifically being sought from these areas: southern Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and southern Wisconsin. If storms occur over North Carolina and Virginia, the IMPACTS team can fly there as well.

To find out how to prepare and participate, watch the video recordings posted on the event webpage.

Teachers/students are being asked to collect data using the protocols: 

Informational Webinars

The U.S. GLOBE Coordination Office hosted two informational webinars with IMPACTS Principal Investigator, Dr. Lynn McMurdie

  • Educators and Partners: Covering the project, why the data are important, and how to participate. 
  • Educators and Students: Covering the science behind the mission and example student research questions.  

To find out how to prepare and participate, watch the video recordings posted on the event webpage.

Before you begin:   

  • Become familiar with the protocols (scroll down the Atmosphere Protocol eTraining page to find the “Precipitation - Snow” eTraining and “Clouds” eTraining).
  • Define your study site(s).
  • Gather the equipment, including making a snowboard (a list of equipment needed can be found below). 

The expectation is that teachers and students will collect data when alerted through the SnowGLOBE community about a snow event. (There will 48 hours' notice of a snow event.) The IMPACTS team will provide webinars for students to meet the mission pilots; they have also offered to mentor students participating in the U.S. GLOBE Regional Student Research Symposia or the 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium using data from this project. 

Equipment needed 

  • Snow board (plywood board painted white; instructions on how to make one can be found here)
  • Meter stick 
  • Flag or marker 
  • Straight-sided container (such as overflow tube from rain gauge) 
  • Containers or jars to store snow samples 
  • Something flat and clean to slide under inverted containers
  • Rain gauge 

To learn more, click here.

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
