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North America Partners Collaborate at NSTA 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana

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The 7th Annual GLOBE North America Partner Meeting brought together GLOBE leaders from Canada and the U.S. on 28 March 2012, continuing an eight year tradition of meeting in conjunction with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Annual Conference with the purpose of sharing their GLOBE implementation strategies and building strong collaborations across the region. Each year, the NSTA North America Regional Meeting takes place all day on Wednesday before NSTA officially begins. Forty participants representing GLOBE in Canada and 18 U.S. states (Arkansas, California, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia) attended the event in the culturally rich Indianapolis, Indiana. The meeting agenda and presentation summaries are listed below.

Ms. Lynne Hehr (AR), North America GLOBE International Advisory Committee (GIAC) Representative and Dr. Michael Odell (TX), US-PRAC North America Regional Meeting Planning Subcommittee Chair and former North America GIAC Representative, opened the meeting. Dr. Teresa Kennedy (TX), GLOBE Program Office (GPO) International Division Director and U.S. Country Coordinator provided an opening presentation that honored all past GLOBE Directors, and gave special recognition to Dr. Andy Tasker, who accomplished many important tasks to ensure success for GLOBE around the world including completing the review of GLOBE Vision and Mission, the GIAC Charter update, and the development of the GLOBE Strategic Plan in 2011. Dr. Tasker was also instrumental in laying the groundwork for the website refresh that is currently gaining momentum, as well as was instrumental in the completion of the updated Trainer and Master Trainer guidelines designed to continue building training capacity around the world in a robust and consistent manner. The importance of the GIAC and the U.S. Partner Regional Ambassador Committee (US-PRAC), now in its second year, were highlighted. The US-PRAC is an advisory body formed with the purpose of providing the GLOBE Program Office with a formal mechanism for community input regarding the U.S. implementation activities. A U.S. Partner Regional Ambassador Committee (USPRAC) Meeting occurred the evening prior to the North America meeting to continuing planning for the event and provide updates of subcommittee work described during the meeting. View the US-PRAC Charter.

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Partner Introductions/Icebreaker

The US-PRAC North America Regional Meeting Planning Subcommittee, which includes Michael Odell (TX), Todd Ensign (WV), Peter Falcon (CA), Jodi Haney (OH), Mitchell Klett (MI), and Alisa Wickliff (NC), led a fun activity to generate partner interaction and networking. The ice breaker activity engaged participants by asking them to discuss their favorite GLOBE protocols and instruments, the protocol they find the most challenging, what GLOBE message they would print on a t-shirt, and where they would like to be with GLOBE in ten years. All partners were also asked to share with one another the strangest food they have ever eaten, which sparked wonderful dialogue about international experiences in GLOBE and a lot of laughter!

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Mr. John McLaughlin (Washington D.C.), representing NOAA's Office of Education, welcomed all participants and thanked them for their work with GLOBE. Mr. McLaughlin spoke about the importance of the regional meeting for sponsoring agencies NASA, NOAA, and NSF to learn about current happenings and the direction of GLOBE looking into the future. He called GLOBE a "network of partners" and noted that this was instrumental to the design of the new website, which encourages community interaction. In addition, he spoke about the panel formed under Dr. Dixon Butler that is working to determine how the future of GLOBE will be shaped. Mr. McLaughlin shared that he is also working with NSF on a panel to make minor refreshments to the GLOBE Teacher's Guide based on updates in technology and best practices.

GIAC Update   

Ms. Lynne Hehr (AR), North America GLOBE International Advisory Committee (GIAC) Representative (2012-2013), spoke about the roles and responsibilities of GIAC representatives as relevant to the larger scope of the GLOBE community. Ms. Hehr stated that "GIAC representatives are the ‘voice' of all countries and states in their region." Acknowledgement was given to Former North America GIAC representatives Ms. Marsha Willis (TX-2010-2011), Dr. Paul Ruscher (FL-2008-2009) and Dr. Michael Odell (TX-2006-2007), as well as to the next North America GIAC representative Dr. Jerry Cobbs (AL- 2014-2015).

GPO Overview and North America Update

Dr. Teresa Kennedy (TX) described GLOBE's international division activities including working with existing and new bilateral agreements and collaborating organizations, facilitating the GIAC and US-PRAC, oversight of the Help Desk, including the Regional Help Desk Offices, regional meetings and training events, documenting GLOBE implementation around the world via Star stories on the GLOBE website as well as assisting with the work related to the new website. North America and U.S. Partner activities were also highlighted and focus on developing collaborations between Canada and the U.S., maintaining existing U.S. Partners and recruiting Partners across the states, facilitating U.S. Partners on an individual basis to support teacher implementation and expand their efforts in a collaborative fashion with other U.S. Partners as well as with international Country Coordinators. Current U.S. Partner statistics were provided including U.S. Partner type, number of in-service as well as pre-service workshops which are currently at an all-time high.


GLOBE Canada Update

Mr. Bill Batycky and Ms. Carol Batycky (Canada), GLOBE Canada Country Coordinators, spoke with partners about the positive impact of GLOBE within the Canadian education community. Points of success cited expanded collaboration involving the U.S. Embassy across Canada, and included increased national science teacher capacity, a collaboration between students and teachers on environmental inquiry projects, an impact on indigenous education, and the development of a new GLOBE Canada website.

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GPO Science and Education Update

Dr. Donna Charlevoix (CO), GPO Science and Education Director, presented activities underway at the GPO Science and Education Division including significant work regarding website content migration and creation of new pages for the new website, the Education Committee, the Science Committee, expansion of the International Scientist Network, Master Trainer and e-Learning initiatives underway to increase teacher certification activities, and the GPO lead NSF-ITEST project entitled Learning to Research focusing on climate studies. In addition, she shared details about the Student Climate Research Campaign (SCRC), reporting that 35 countries from all six regions have participated to date and also included information about the recently held student video competition. Dr. Charlevoix discussed future goals for SCRC that include student development of local climate research projects followed by the submission of abstracts and participation in a virtual climate conference.

GPO Technology and Website Update (Adobe Connect)

Mr. Ron Zwerin (CO), GPO Communications Manager and Mr. Jon Lang (CO), GPO Technology Manager connected to the meeting virtually. They discussed goals designed to enhance the GLOBE message internationally. This effort will be made through providing various templates for GLOBE Country Coordinators, partners and teachers to use, and ensuring the community has all available resources right at their fingertips. GLOBE Communications will widen the impact of social media through improved Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter communications and the new GLOBE website will ease the effort of various actions from the community, including data entry.

GLOBE North America Alumni Organization (Adobe Connect)

Matthew Fenzel, North America Alumni Representative (KY) delivered a 2011-2012 progress report of GLOBE Alumni in North America that included the number of members, states represented, current projects, and the updated structure of alumni communication within the larger scope of the program. He reported that numbers have increased, with the intention to continue to increase numbers even more throughout the coming year. Mr. Fenzel spoke about plans to expand marketing through alumni testimonials and commented on the importance of the new GLOBE website in linking GLOBE alumni to other community members for collaboration.


US-PRAC Implementation Subcommittee Report Out

Subcommittee Chair Mr. Dave Bydlowski (MI) and Ms. Marcy Seavey (IA) introduced the additional members of the subcommittee on implementation: including Jen Bourgeault (NH), Georgia Cobbs (MT), Peter Falcon (CA), Do-Yong Park (IL), and Adele Schepige (OR), and discussed the focus of the subcommittee to look at and evaluate ongoing curriculum changes. The current major change taking place in science education standards is the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The committee plans to approach this change with the Integration of Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Next Generation Science Standards are to be approved late 2012/Early 2012. Ms. Seavey invited ideas and suggestions from the community as to what this particular change means for GLOBE. To find out more, visit

US-PRAC Master Trainer Subcommittee Report Out

Subcommittee Chair Dr. Mitch Klett (MI) and Dr. Tony Murphy (MN) introduced the additional members of the subcommittee including Paul Adams (KS), Jen Bourgeault (NH), Jodi Haney (OH), Do-Yong Park (IL), Marcy Seavey (IA), and Alisa Wickliff (OR). Joined by Education Specialist Mr. Gary Randolph from the GPO Education and Science Team, they presented a Master Trainer Walk-Through to the group demonstrating best practices from the field, how to address typical training challenges, new technology, and the use of resources such as sketches and models. They also discussed ways to incorporate Elementary GLOBE and updated Partners on changes in technology and related updates in the GLOBE Teacher's Guide.

General Discussion and Summary of the morning events

Lunch and Networking

1:00 – 1:10 PM

Engaging Communities through GLOBE during NASA Field Campaigns (Adobe Connect)

Ms. Jessica Taylor (VA) shared how students can become a part of NASA field campaigns by reporting ground-based observations through GLOBE. The GLOBE Partnership at NASA's Langley research Center is reaching out to communities around the world. Participants learned about plans to collaborate with Thailand on NASA's upcoming SEAC4RS Mission as well as plans in California and Texas to collaborate on Discover AQ Missions.

1:10 – 2:10 PM

Roundtable Presentations Session 1

(15 minutes per session include Q&A and rotation)


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The White House Science Fair: Participation by GLOBE Students    

Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (OH) and Todd Ensign (WV) shared examples of GLOBE student projects that are engaging learners in traditional and online science fairs which have been presented twice at the annual White House Science Fair. They discussed ideas for expanding competitions like the SATELLITES science fair to GLOBE students worldwide.


GLOBE California Academy Program (CAP) ITEST Strategy Project

 Dr. Art Sussman (CA) represented the WestEd and CASN U.S. Partnership at UC Berkeley and highlighted their GLOBE California Academy Program (GLOBE CAP). Dr. Sussman shared how The GLOBE CAP program is piloting the implementation of GLOBE within California green academy high schools. During the project, participating high schools will implement GLOBE in grades 10, 11 and 12, and connect an integrated and sequenced GLOBE experience educationally with their academic program's environmental and career emphases.

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About Apps In Education, Development and Implementation of a GLOBE app

Dr. Mitchell Klett (MI) shared information on how apps have caused a large shift in education and in the publishing industry. Everyone is taking notice of this benchmark in education technology, including teachers, administrators, business personnel, and publishers. With so many apps in the App Stores, (Android and iPad) it has become a chore and hardship for app buyers and app developers. Teachers were surveyed about which types of apps they would find useful in teaching. After analysis, researchers found many parallels with past technology innovations.

GLOBE's Footprint in the Canadian Educational Community

Mr. Bill Batycky and Mrs. Carol Batycky (Canada) shared how GLOBE Canada is changing students' perspectives of science in the far North by tailoring GLOBE to cultural responsive instruction and community classroom at a time.

2:10 – 2:25 PM

Initiatives of the Palmyra Cove Nature Park and Environmental Discovery Center (Adobe Connect)

Mr. John Moore (NJ) highlighted the SCRC Teacher Workshops that have been conducted and projects underway in New Jersey that support the SCRC Initiative. He also provided an overview of special projects that incorporate the use of the related resources from The GLOBE Program.

2:25-3:00 PM Break and Networking

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3:00 – 4:15 PM

Roundtable Presentations Session (Session II) IMPacting Achievement through Collaborations and Technology

Ms. Marcy Seavey (IA) shared information on IMPACT. IMPACT is a year-long intensive professional development experience that engages educators in field research (GLOBE), predictive science (STORM - weather forecasting) and technology integration. IMPACT is an MSP funded partnership between the University of Northern Iowa and the Iowa Academy of Science. She briefly presented their workshop model and shared some stories about the student projects that have resulted from the last 7 years of IMPACT.

Using Constant Contact, A Web 2.0 Marketing Solutions tool to recruit and communicate with GLOBE teachers in Northwest Ohio

Dr. Jodi Haney (OH) shared information on the Web 2.0 Marketing Solutions tool. She presented the tool and discussed how her U.S. Partnership has collaborated with the Northwest Ohio Center of Excellence for Science and Mathematics Education in using the Constant Contact marketing and communications tool. The tool has enabled them to recruit teachers for a professional development workshop/series in as little as 8 hours. They also use this tool for e-newsletters and data collection (survey administration).

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CloudSat 2012: Challenges and New Opportunities

Dr. Todd Ellis (NY) updated participants on the status of the CloudSat mission, new goals being accomplished with student inquiry in the 21st-century classroom, and reminders of what our student scientists can do. Dr. Ellis also presented the status of the CloudSat Education Network (CEN) and the successful international collaborations in GLOBE schools around the world. Launched on 28 April 2006, CloudSat was designed to study clouds and the role clouds and aerosols play in regulating Earth's weather, climate, and air quality. Students from 11 countries (Canada, Thailand, India, New Zealand, Germany Australia, Estonia, Croatia, United States, Cameroon, and Dominican Republic) have participated in the (CEN) by "ground truthing" the measurements taken by the CloudSat satellite.

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Mobile STEM Lab to Support GLOBE

Dr. Michael Odell (TX) relayed the structure and current activities of the UT Tyler GLOBE Partnership, including photos of the interactive GLOBE Mobile STEM Laboratory, which is transported to enhance interactive relationships between UT Tyler and local K-12 schools across Texas, and used to recruit STEM students.


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GLOBE Across the Continental Divide

Dr. Georgia Cobbs (MT) shared how Montana reached out to Idaho to train students attending the university. The workshop included 21 educators and graduate students from the United States and five Latin American countries including the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico who came to Moscow for one year. All respective Latin America Country Coordinators were contacted about their new teachers. Workshop participants were introduced to GLOBE Atmosphere, Hydrology, and Phenology investigations. Challenges expressed by Dr. Cobbs included language barriers, regional and national initiatives in environmental science education and implementation methods unique to Idaho in comparison to Latin American countries and variations in initiatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies.

4:15 –4:30 PM       
GLOBE Alliance in Montana (Adobe Connect) 

Mr. Antony Bertholete (MT) and Dr. Georgia Cobbs (MT) presented on the recently held Geoscience Alliance (GA) Conference. The Geoscience Alliance is a national alliance of individuals committed to broadening participation of Native Americans in the geoscience at Salish Kootenai College provided a great forum for GLOBE partners from Arizona, Montana, Minnesota and South Dakota to share their expertise under the theme of "Home Places, Local Landscapes, Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technologies." The presentation illustrated the highlights of this experience.

4:30 – 5:00 PM

Wrap Up and Adjourn

In addition to the North America Regional Meeting, GLOBE activities included various activities connected to NSTA international activities, participation in conference booths and share-a-thons, a GLOBE Community Reception, an Elementary Extravaganza, and various presentations provided by U.S. and International GLOBE Partners.

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NSTA International Activities

On Thursday, 29 March, various international events were held between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM, including the Global Conversations for Science Education Conference: STEMing Across Borders: An International Perspective on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. During the event, over 20 poster presentations from many countries around the world were presented. GLOBE's poster presentation and individual country report presentations were represented by GLOBE Country Coordinators and Regional Help Desk Office representatives from five GLOBE countries including Canada (Mrs. Carol Batycky and Mr. Bill Batycky), Trinidad and Tobago (Mr. Henry Saunders), Saudi Arabia (Mr. Rafat Jambi), and GLOBE Africa Regional Help Desk Office representative (Mr. Mark Brettenny), together with GLOBE U.S. Partners from Texas (Dr. Michael Odell), and Michigan (Dr. Mitchell Klett) as well as by U.S. Country Coordinator Dr. Teresa Kennedy and Ms. Nandini McClurg, from the GLOBE Program Office International Division.

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GLOBE Reception

Over 70 guests attended the event, including U.S. and international partners, scientists, teachers and their students, representatives from collaborating organizations, vendors, and GLOBE's U.S. Federal Agency Sponsors. All GLOBE's community members present were honored for their service and commitment to facilitating the advancement of GLOBE student research. This event also provided an opportunity for GLOBE community members to socialize, network, and win GLOBE educational materials and training supplies. Thank you to all who participated!


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Elementary Extravaganza and Share-a-Thons

Approximately 150 teachers attended an Elementary Extravaganza held on Friday, 30 March. The event was followed by two NESTA Share-a-Thons that were attended by approximately 70 teachers each: National Earth Science Teachers Association Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate Share-a-Thon and a National Earth Science Teachers Association Earth System Science Share-a-Thon.


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GLOBE was represented by a booth at the event where informative materials were distributed to current and former GLOBE teachers, and those interested in learning more about the program. Teachers from the U.S. and abroad visited with GLOBE Program Office Staff and U.S. Partners about how to engage in the program and utilize GLOBE in their classrooms.


GLOBE Presentations during NSTA

Many GLOBE Partners, both U.S. and international, shared their implementation strategies and successes during the NSTA conference that followed the North America Regional Meeting. Presentation summaries are listed below.

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"Exploring New York City (NYC) Parks with EPA and GLOBE" presented by Mr. Peter Schmidt, from Queens College GLOBE Partnership in New York, described students getting their hands dirty by practicing scientific methods as they explore NYC parks using GLOBE Protocols supported by a representative from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

"Science on a Sphere (SOS): Help in Visualizing Global Systems" presented by Dr. Tony Murphy and Dr. Lori Maxfield, from St. Catherine University GLOBE Partnership in Minnesota, described SOS, a NOAA data visualization artifact that helps students understand global systems in an exciting vibrant way.

"Engaging Students in Scientific Inquiry Using Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Collaboration" was presented by Dr. Randall Thomas and Ms. Julie Malmberg, from the GLOBE Program Office, sharing the results of GLOBE collaborations between schools nationally and internationally integrating web 2.0 technologies with scientific inquiry.

Thank you to all participants in this year's GLOBE activities at NSTA! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the 2013 NSTA Conference on Science Education and unique GLOBE events that will take place in San Antonio, Texas. The North America Regional meeting will take place on 10 April, the Community Reception on 11 April, and the overall NSTA event from 10-14 April 2012. We look forward to your attendance next year!

Read about past North America Regional Meetings at NSTA:

6th North America Regional Meeting: San Francisco, California, 9 March 2011

5th North American Regional Meeting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 17 March 2010

4th North America Regional Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, 18 March 2009

3rd North America Regional Meeting: Boston, Massachusetts, 26 March 2008

2nd North America Regional Meeting: St. Louis, Missouri, 28 March 2007

1st North America Regional Meeting: Anaheim, California, 5 April 2006

Read the NSTA International Position Statement

Developing a World View for Science Education: In North America and Across the Globe Final Report of the International Task Force

