Asset Publisher

Tech Update April 2019
The following enhancements were made, or were in progress, during the month of April 2019.  >>

Tech Update March 2019
Several enhancements were made, or were in progress, during the month of March 2019.  >>

Plants Can´t Be Fooled
An Interview with Lenka Hájková - member of GLOBE Science Board in Czech Republic - about the importance of phenology and cooperation with GLOBE schools.  >>

Help NASA Measure Trees with Your Smartphone
Healthy forests play a crucial role in Earth’s ecosystem as growing trees take up carbon from the atmosphere. NASA satellites and airborne missions study forests to see how carbon moves through ecosystems – and now citizen scientists can help investigate this key question as well by using their smartphone to measure tree height.  >>

GLOBE Observer Trees Facebook Live
Join GLOBE Observer LIVE for a special Facebook Live event all about Trees on 26 March 2018 at 3:00 p.m. EDT.  >>

GLOBE Program restarts in Central Asia with the training in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
With the aim of reactivating the program in Kyrgyz Republic, Europe and Eurasia Regional Office and the GLOBE Kyrgyz coordinator organized a major teacher training at the Kyrgyz National University in Bishkek in February 2019.  >>

Virtual Reality Experiment with 360° Photos at GLOBE Estonia Learning Expedition
GLOBE Estonia welcomed 130 participants to the Annual GLOBE Learning Expedition in Estonia,which took place at the Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centre. Over the course of four days, participants learned how to collect various data using GLOBE protocols; conducted fieldwork; and practiced how to present the results. The aim of the expedition was to learn about the possible environmental issues present in South-West Estonia in a more hands-on fashion. The main focus was set on increasing attractiveness of taking land cover measurements and introducing new technologies.  >>

GLOBE Program in the First Half-Year of 2019
There are many interesting GLOBE projects, meetings and campaigns going on in the first half of the year 2019. In this overview you can see the main activities and possibilities to join in.  >>

GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region Elects New Governance Board
Congratulations to the newly elected Board members of the Europe and Eurasia Region! The election was organized at the Annual Meeting of Country Coordinators that took place in Toulouse, France in November.  >>

Annual Student Conference in Lithuania
GLOBE Lithuania organized an annual student conference, held 30 November through 01 December, in Vilnius  >>

