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Participating in 2019 IVSS or U.S. SRS? Check Out This “Science Practices: Analyzing Data” Resource Page

Photo of two GLOBE students in action

Are you participating in the 6th International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) or the 2019 U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS)? Then you’ll want to check out GLOBE’s “Science Practices: Analyzing Data” resource page today!

On the page, you will find:

  • recorded webinars on data visualizations, how to access GLOBE data, and how to use the research question as your guide in deciding what graph to make; and
  • resources on graphing activities, GLOBE data access tutorials, visualization color tools, and more!

To visit this page, click here!


The IVSS is a place for K-16 (primary to undergraduate) students from around the world to share their GLOBE research with other students, teachers, STEM professionals, and community members in an entirely online platform. Reports will be accepted from 01 January through 10 April 2019. 

To learn more about the IVSS, click here!


The 2019 SRS will give students (grades 5-12) from across the United States the opportunity to come together, face-to-face, and share the results of their field investigations using GLOBE protocols (or data from the GLOBE database) with peers and professional scientists.

To learn more about the SRS, click here!

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
