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Stay Up to Date with: “GLOBE in the Time of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic” Website Page

A page has been added to the GLOBE website in response to extreme challenges to the GLOBE community stemming from the global novel coronavirus pandemic. Its purpose is two-fold:

  • to update the community on scheduled events, campaigns, and intensive observation periods (IOPs); and
  • to provide resources for teachers, parents, students, and citizen scientists for online learning that can be done indoors during times of widespread in-home containment.

Please note that this page is a “work in progress,” and that materials will be added regularly. Important messages to the community will be amplified by direct email and social media.

Events and Activities: All efforts that require outdoor activity are postponed. (You will be informed when this situation changes.). This includes:

  • The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project
  • The Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period (IOP)
  • The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign
  • GLOBE Mission Mosquito
  • Urban Heath Island Effect-Surface Temperature Field Campaign
  • U.S. Spring Regional Student Research Symposia

(NOTE: The Trees Around the GLOBE 14 April webinar “GLOBE Student Research Extravaganza: Students from around the GLOBE Share their Amazing Tree Research” and the GLOBE Mission Mosquito 02 April webinar “Meet Up and Do Science,” will take place; please see the GLOBE Calendar for more details.) 

  • 25th Anniversary GLOBE Annual Meeting: Registration for the meeting in Washington D.C., USA, from 12-16 July, has been suspended.
  • Earth Day at GLOBE: Earth Day observations will be digital this year. Visit the GLOBE website on Earth Day, 22 April, to view a video slide show of historic images sent in by the GLOBE regions.  
  • U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia: Currently, the SRS leadership team is discussing other ways that students can share their GLOBE research.
  • Earth Day at NASA: Delve into the NASA Earth Day toolkit to find activities you can do indoors on Earth Day.

To access the “GLOBE in the Time of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic” page, click here.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
