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13 December: 2018 U.S. Student Research Symposia Webinar: “Analyzing GLOBE Data”
SRS Webinar: “Analyzing GLOBE Data” will be held on Wednesday, 13 December at 7:00 p.m. ET. How can your students make sense of all those data sheets once you get them back to the classroom? During the webinar, Dr. Richard Wagner, the Southwest SRS Lead, will discuss GLOBE data; participants will see student examples, and will be able to ask questions.  >>

07 December: Phase III ENSO Campaign Science and Research Webinar #4: “Making Sense of the Impact of Water in Our Environment by Measuring Earth’s Water from Space”
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign science and research webinar will be held on 07 December at 8:00 p.m. EST (01:00 UTC): “Making Sense of the Impact of Water in Our Environment by Measuring Earth’s Water from Space.” Join the conversation and hear from a NASA scientist!  >>

05 December: GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar: “Mapping GLOBE Atmosphere and Surface Temperature Data Using ArcGIS Online”
Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar (Tuesday, 05 December/8 p.m. EST) and student follow-up webinar (Friday, 08 December, 01 p.m. EST): “Mapping GLOBE Atmosphere and Surface Temperature Data Using ArcGIS Online.”  >>

04 December: Phase III ENSO Campaign SODA Webinar #2: “SODA, Live from Croatia”
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign SODA (Short Observation and Data Analysis) webinar will be held on 04 December at 2:00 p.m. EST (7:00 p.m. UTC): “SODA, Live from Croatia (Featuring Teachers Marina Balažinec and Marija Krajnik.”  >>

14 November Phase III ENSO Campaign Webinar 14 November: “Water Quality in Europe”
What is the quality of water in the environment? The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign (SRC) science and research webinar will seek to answer this question – and other water quality questions. The webinar, “Water Quality in Europe,” will be held on 14 November at 2:30 p.m. EST (19:30 p.m. UTC).  >>

10 November GLOBE Mission EARTH Student Follow-Up Webinar: “Why Does the Sky Color Change?”
A GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar will be held on Tuesday, 07 November, 8:00 p.m. ET, entitled “Why Does the Sky Color Change?” A student follow-up webinar will occur on Friday, 10 November, 1:00 p.m. ET.  >>

09 November: NASA GLOBE Observer Hosts Facebook Live Event – Buzzing About Mosquitoes
NASA GLOBE Observer is hosting a Facebook Live event on Thursday, 09 November, at 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will focus on mosquito science and citizen science, and is a part of the celebration of the culmination of a global experiment using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper App in connection with International Science Center and Science Museum Day (which is 10 November).  >>

07 November GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar: “Why Does the Sky Color Change?”
A GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar will be held on Tuesday, 07 November, 8:00 p.m. ET, entitled “Why Does the Sky Color Change?” A student follow-up webinar will occur on Friday, 10 November, 1:00 p.m. ET.  >>

O6 November: Phase III ENSO Campaign SODA Webinar #1: “Getting Science Done with Shumate Middle School (Featuring Middle School Teacher Jeff Bouwman)
The first Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign SODA (Short Observation and Data Analysis) webinar will be held on 06 November at 8 p.m. ET (07 November at 1:00 a.m. UTC): “Getting Science Done with Shumate Middle School, featuring Middle School Teacher Jeff Bowman.”  >>

25 October: 2018 IVSS Informational Webinar
Dr. Julie Malmberg from the GLOBE Implementation Office will host an informational webinar about the 2018 GLOBE IVSS on Wednesday, 25 October, at 1:00 .p.m. MT/3:00 p.m. ET/19:00 UTC.  >>

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