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U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 29 March 2021

Join us at our first Women's History Month GLOBE Watercooler! We would like to put together a slide show for this event and need your help. Please create one slide sharing the work of a woman scientist. Bonus points if their area of research relates to GLOBE or they are a current GISN member. It can be someone from the past, someone you know or someone current that you might not know personally. If you have any resources to share, add those too. We would love to make this into an ever-expanding resource for GLOBE teachers. 

Send your slide to the U.S. GLOBE Office ( by Monday (March 29th) at 12pm ET.

If you aren't able to make a slide, you are still welcome to join! Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

*** Watch all past Watercoolers here!  ***

Event Topics: Meetings

Events origin: United States of America
