Communicating results

Science Practices: Communicating Results

This page provides webinars and resources related to creating and presenting the science poster.

Once students analyze their data and write their conclusions, it is time for them to put it all together in a scientific poster. While this can be a daunting task, these webinars and resources help make the process of creating and presenting a poster more clear. 


In this webinar, Kiley Remiszewski and Clarice Perryman, PhD students from the University of New Hampshire, give tips on how to help students prepare for a poster presentation. This is a great webinar to share with your students as well!

Watch Kiley and Clarice's webinar on youtube


In this webinar, GLOBE Partner Tracy Ostrom highlights the GLOBE Poster Template (link in resources section below) and gives tips on how to help students create a successful science poster. 

Watch Tracy's webinar on youtube

Webinar Q&A

Q: Students need to use GLOBE data in their research for the SRS, but what does this mean? How much data? From where? 

A: How much data really depends on your research – there is not “right” amount.  Data can be collected using GLOBE Protocols, or downloaded from the GLOBE visualization system. Some students collect one set of data, and then compare their data to other locations using GLOBE visualization.  

Q: Is the poster template sized?  

A: If you bring your Powerpoint poster (download GLOBE template here) to a print shop, they can print it out to any size you want.  The maximum size for the SRS is 36” x 48”. 

Q: How do I know if my research question or area is unique? What if another school studies the same topic? 

A: There will be repeat questions and research areas, however students make each project unique through their different locations, community impact, and why the research is important to them. Having similar research topics also leads to very interesting discussions and comparisons to projects at other schools/locations.  Many different questions can come from the same dataset! 

Q: Is it okay to cut out sections of the poster if a teacher does not cover that aspect in class? 

A: All of the pieces of the poster are important because the poster tells the story of your research. Leaving out components leaves out part of the story. Students use the poster to guide their discussion with the reviewers and other students, so missing pieces could make this more challenging for them. 

Q: Can students add information about STEM careers related to their research? 

A: Definitely. This shows in depth understanding of why their research is important, and how they have gained an understanding of a career path they may be interested in. 

Q: Where can I see examples of posters? 

A: There are a number of examples on the GLOBE website to show students.  Also helpful is to use the rubrics (SRS peer and reviewer rubrics and IVSS rubric) to guide creating the poster.  


In this webinarLiz Burakowski talks us through the techniques that helped her create award-winning posters for her conferences.

Watch Liz Burakowski's webinar on youtube

Resources and Links: