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Comparing Soil Moisture

Organization(s):Heerenlanden College
Student(s):Luc, Milan, Michael
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Bert van den Berg
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Moisture - SMAP Block Pattern
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Date Submitted:04/10/2019
In this report, the difference in soil moisture of soil in a forest and soil outside of a forest will be discussed. There is a prediction that there is not a lot of soil moisture in a forested area, because of the trees that absorb and block the water, and more in an unwooded area. This research was done by getting a soil sample from a forested and unwooded area and drying it. By weighing the difference before and after drying, the soil moisture could be determined. After performing the research, it was calculated that the soil in a forested area consists for 9,1% of water and in an unwooded area for 12,3%. This means that the hypothesis is correct and that the soil moisture indeed differs between unwooded and forested areas, with unwooded areas being more moist.


This is a very interesting project. I thought the forest would have more moisture because the canopy shades the ground. Did you look at how your observations compared to the SMAP satellite mission?