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GISN & STEM Professionals' Blog

The GISN and STEM Professional's Blog is an online collaborative effort where scientists associated with GLOBE post their thoughts, comments, and philosophies about a variety of science topics.

GLOBE strongly encourages positive and productive discussions to further advance the scientific understanding of all involved with the GLOBE Program.


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This week’s blog comes to us from Mrs. Wafa Mubarek Bin Dayna, the Country Coordinator for the Kingdom of Bahrain.  In this post she explains a new collaborative project occurring in the Kingdom of Bahrain exploring migratory birds throughout the country.  This project was introduced in the 2011-2012 academic year and will continue for the three academic years following. In the Kingdom of Bahrain, over 290 species of birds have been observed, the majority being passing migrants.  Monitoring migratory birds isn’t always easy, as many migratory birds fly at a great ...

Posted in: Investigation Areas: EARTH AS A SYSTEM

This week’s post is a continuation from last week , where our guest blogger, Vera Gekov, explored GLOBE and connected it to environmental stewardship.   As part of my Master’s Applied Research Project, I collected stories as richly diverse as the international GLOBE community itself from the question: “What does stewardship mean to you?” Answers ranged from “ taking care of Earth and its natural resources for the benefit of all creatures,” to “managing environmental resources,” and “developing a global consciousness and responsible behavior towards nature.” What impressed ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Vera Gekov.  Vera is a recent graduate of the Environmental Leadership program at Naropa University in Boulder, CO, USA.  She was drawn to GLOBE because of the program’s commitment of increasing environmental literacy in youth.  She completed her Applied Leadership Project by connecting with GLOBE teachers and country coordinators to understand ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week’s guest blogger is Savona O’Brien, a senior at Paw Paw High School, located in rural West Virginia, USA. Savona has been participating in the GLOBE program for two years, and feels it’s a wonderful program that more students, teachers, and schools should participate in.  Through her participation in GLOBE and GLOBE’s From Learning to Research project, Savona was given the opportunity to attend the National Science Teacher’s ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: During our time in the Atmospheric Science doctoral program at Colorado State University (CSU), we would take breaks from frustrating programming efforts and run upstairs to the roof of the building to take pictures of clouds. We would identify them by name, describe the conditions in which they were forming, and head back inside to see if we could put them within the context of the radar and satellite imagery. As our collection continued to grow, we ...

Posted in: Investigation Areas: ATMOSPHERE CLOUDS

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Ms. Marcy Burns.  Ms. Burns is a fifth grade teacher at Main Street Intermediate School in Norwalk, Ohio.  As a participant of phase one of the Learning2Research Project, her students were able to submit a project and participate in the first virtual conference and she feels  The GLOBE Program has been a great tool for engaging her students ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Mr. Steven Frantz from Roswell-Kent Middle School in Akron, Ohio. Mr. Frantz is a GLOBE teacher and is also a participant in GLOBE From Learning To Research Project. As a part of the project, he had the opportunity to attend the 2013 National Science Teacher Association Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. He presents his perspective on the meeting as a first time attendee. ...

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Blog originally posted on the GLOBE Scientists' Blog: To celebrate GLOBE ’s 18 th birthday on Earth Day 2013, students across the world were asked to demonstrate how participating in GLOBE has enabled or inspired them to improve the environment of their home, school or local community. We received over 80 entries into the competition, representing each of GLOBE’s six regions. A panel of judges scored each video based upon a provided rubric . The overall ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest post from Janis Steele, PhD and Brooks McCutchen, PhD. They own and operate Berkshire Sweet Gold Maple and Marine, an agroforestry and ocean-going enterprise concerned with sustainable livelihoods and the preservation of wild and perennial ecosystems, from ridge-to-reef. Along with their three boys, Connor, Rowan and Gavin, they spend half of each year running their farm in the Berkshires in Western ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we are continuing our Full Length Mississippi series with  Mike Link and his wife Kate Crowley.   Mike is the retired founding director of The Audubon Center of the North Woods in Minnesota, an author of 24 books, a published researcher (vernal ponds and ornithology), a college instructor at Hamline University, and a consultant to non-profits.   When we decided that our effort to understand fresh water systems would move from Lake Superior to ...

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Blog originally posted on the GLOBE Scientists' Blog: I remember in high school that I liked science and math much more than my grammar and literature classes.  I recall thinking that if I pursued a career in science, I wouldn’t have to worry about reading and writing and I could really focus on the things I most enjoyed.  Boy was I wrong, and quite ignorant to boot!  In my scientific career, I read and write all of the time, and have come to really value and ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Margi Dashevsky.  Margi currently serves as the Co-Director of the Latin American Center for Arts Science and Education (CLACE).  She has a passion for sharing her love of learning with others and has worked as a science educator for over a decade.  She graduated with honors from Dartmouth College, where she majored in Environmental Studies, with a concentration in Field Ecology, and minored in Geography.  Margi grew ...


Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we are beginning our Full Length Mississippi series, and we will team back up with Mike Link and Kate Crawley.  Link and Crawley highlighted pieces of their Full Circle Superior journey with the GLOBE Scientists’ Blog last year through a series of posts, the first of which you can read here .  They are starting on a new adventure and commitment to the issue of fresh water: a ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: WATERSHEDS   GLOBE Science Topics: EARTH AS A SYSTEM   Investigation Areas: HYDROSPHERE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: With climate change, there are many relationships that are understood, and many others that are not.  Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan from The Scripps Institute  in San Diego has spent the last fifteen years in the Maldives, a nation south of India that is comprised of over 1,200 islands, studying the relationship between air pollutants, cloud formation and air temperature. The Maldives are a great location for ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: CARBON CYCLE   GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE   Investigation Areas: ATMOSPHERE

A couple of years ago, I attended a seminar sponsored by the Climate and Global Dynamics Division  (CGD) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research  (NCAR) on how climate change is threatening the survival of wolverines ( Gulo gulo ).  This scientist, Synte Peacock from CGD, painted a gloomy outlook for this ferocious creature after using a climate model to examine changes in spring snow cover and summer air temperatures.    However, recent legislative proposals may make the future a little brighter.   A ...


Blog originally posted on the GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Jessica Taylor . Jessica has been active as a GLOBE observer and trainer since 2001 and is a Master Trainer at NASA Langley Research Center. She conducts regular GLOBE Teacher Workshops in the areas of atmosphere and phenology investigations and works with several NASA missions to integrate GLOBE activities into their educational outreach efforts. Whenever I talk with teachers about studying ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE EARTH AS A SYSTEM   Investigation Areas: GREEN-UP / GREEN-DOWN

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we have a guest blogger, Jennifer Bourgeault .  Jennifer, a member of the GLOBE Land Cover/Biology Team for 10 years, is the North Country Education Services (NCES) New Hampshire GLOBE Partnership coordinator and Master Trainer in the Land Cover/Biology protocols.  She thinks everyone should know how to use the Modified UNESCO Classification (MUC) Field Guide to classify land cover and how to use Multispec to look at change ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE EARTH AS A SYSTEM   Investigation Areas: BIOSPHERE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Earth Day has been inspiring demonstrations and projects for a healthier, more sustainable environment for more than 40 years.  The first Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April 1970, featured over 20 million Americans joining together in auditoriums, parks and streets across the country to show solidarity in the fight against oil spills and toxic dumping, protecting wildlife and their habitats, and ...

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The cold weather this last month has led to Lake Erie developing ice cover. This past week, the temperature has been averaging about 20 F (-6 C). Even with temperatures in the 50s and 60s F (10 C to 15 C), ice has formed. See the Figure 1 below. As you can see in the picture, the ice on Lake Erie is broken up into things that look like islands. The wind blows the ice around and breaks it up. There is a straight line through Lake St. Clair that extends down into Lake Erie. What do you think caused this straight line? Usually, on Earth, straight lines are produced by humans. ...

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Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: It seems common place that warmer air temperature leads to warmer soil temperature. And while this relationship seems intuitive, the effect isn’t always studied, especially with respect to the response from microorganisms. That is why researchers are investigating what happens when the soil temperature increases. An intricate network of soil microorganisms From: Commonwealth Scientific and ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CLIMATE CHANGE   Investigation Areas: SOIL TEMPERATURE