Apply for a Local Mosquito Workshop - GLOBE Mosquito Project
Community Action Grants
PLEASE NOTE: Community Action Grants are no longer available as the GLOBE Zika project has concluded.
What are Community Action Grants, and who can participate?
Through support from the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project, Initial Implementation Countries and collaborating countries in the three participating GLOBE regions (Africa, Asia & Pacific, and Latin America and Caribbean) are eligible to receive Community Action Grants. Community Action Grants can be used to carry out Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs), or other community-based projects that carry out the goals of the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project.
Eligible community groups can submit a Community Action Grant Proposal to their Country Coordinator, who will submit the proposal to the Regional Coordination Office Coordinator.
Here is the proposal document: Community Action Grant Proposal
This Rubric will be used to determine the level of funding a community can receive.
What are Local Community Workshops?
Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs) are an opportunity to train local communities in the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper app, and to help them carry out the project. LMW Action Grants can be used for trainings, purchasing GLOBE kits (including lenses to identify mosquito larvae), carrying out educational and outreach activities, and supporting GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper activities. You may focus the LMW on bundles of GLOBE protocols, carrying out mosquito elimination campaigns, promoting data campaigns, or partnering with new communities or organizations, including public health officials in your community or with local Peace Corps Volunteers.
Community Action Grants Documents: