News - INFINITY Science Center Partner
Workshop in Dalen, Norway, Celebrates Two-Year Tree Ring Project in Europe
The Tree Ring Project organized its final workshop 17-20 September 2013 in Dalen, Norway. Forty-four teachers and trainers and 59 students from 20 schools representing Norway, Croatia and the Czech Republic attended the event.
Students presented their research projects and overviews of their school-to-school collaboration. Karl Torstein Hetland, Country Coordinator of Norway and Project Manager, along with Diana Garasic, Country Coordinator of Croatia and Ilona Krpcová, Country Coordinator of the Czech Republic, expressed their appreciation to all teachers and students for their two-year effort to learn more about climate change through the study of tree rings. An analysis of tree rings can be used to determine an environment's climate in any given year. To learn more about the culminating event including all student projects, visit the Dalen Workshop 2013 webpage.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office