News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
NASA/UNEP GLOBE Agreement Announcement
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) are pleased to announce an agreement to work together on the promotion and implementation of GLOBE and UNEP activities.
Through this partnership, GLOBE and UNEP will cooperate on environmental education and training, citizen science, and the collection and distribution of environmental data. They will also work together to increase awareness of, and promote the use of, GLOBE data by the international science community by leveraging the UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database (GRID) Centres and publications, with a goal of encouraging participation of environmental researchers in GLOBE.GLOBE and UNEP will share education and training resources for distribution to their networks and promote closer collaboration of UNEP Regional Offices with GLOBE countries and Regional Coordination Offices in their regions.
UNEP, NASA, and The GLOBE Program are excited about the opportunities this partnership will bring to the environmental community. “NASA is pleased to partner with UNEP to enhance environmental education and training, and to open up new prospects for the collection and use of environmental data,” Dr. Allison Leidner, NASA GLOBE Program Manager, said. “The opportunity to collaborate with a worldwide environmental organization is especially exciting at the cusp of The GLOBE Program’s 25th Anniversary on Earth Day 2020.”
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office