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Webinar: Trees in Changing Environment: What Do Scientists Say?

Lenka Kleger, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 85 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts

Trees in Changing Environment: What Do Scientists Say?
webinar on Thursday, May 21st

Meet three tree scientistsemoticon, who will introduce you to their research, explain how trees react to changes in their environment and share with you their findings.

You will hear presentations from:

Zorana Sedlar
, Natural History Museum, Croatia,
Botanist specialized in plant and vegetation ecology as well as vegetation change

Lenka Hájková
, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic
Climatologist, agro-meteorologist and phenologist

Zuzana Lhotáková
, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Experimental Plant Biology
Plant physiologist who specialises on the reaction of trees to external environmental factors

The lesson will start at 3 pm CET on ZOOM. To join the meeting, go to the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89551901538

You may want to join 10-15 min before the start to greet everybody.
If you have troubles to join in, please follow the guide step by step.

We look forward to meeting you!


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