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International collaboration

Matthijs Begheyn, modified 8 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 7 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
If you are a GLOBE teacher and want to collaborate with another teacher (in another country) you can post your idea for collaboration here so that other schools can find you and connect to you.
Marina Barisic, modified 8 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/7/14 Recent Posts
Hello GLOBE teachers emoticon
We are monitoring lime tree and would like to collaborate on project with some other school.
Maybe to compare bud burst depending on geography coordinates (we are school in Croatia - south-east Europe).
Anyone? emoticon

Marina Balazinec (ex Barisic)
Amal Tibi, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/15/16 Recent Posts
Hello Everyone
My project is on Pomegranate tree. I am from Israel and would like to collaborate with a school that is working on the same tree.
Jolanta Wawrzyniak-Roszczka, modified 8 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 8 Join Date: 11/13/12 Recent Posts
Hello Marina,
very willingly. We are school in Poland in Nysa (https://www.globe.gov/web/complex-of-schools-comprehensive-school-technical-school/overview).

Greetings from Poland,
Jolanta Wawrzyniak-Rószczka
Lonneke Klein, modified 8 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 12/2/15 Recent Posts
Dear Marina,

I could give you an update on London, UK if you like?

Kind regards, Lonneke
Nina van Bruggen, modified 7 Years ago.
Hi everyone,

I am Nina, intern at GLOBE Netherlands. Who of you would be interested in a pilot programme that would take place for about one lesson during 8 till 21st of May? Your students would need to be doing some homework beforehand. The idea of the pilot study is to match schools in different countries, compare data between the schools and report to each other. Send me an email to n.vanbruggen2@students.uu.nl, then I will send you some materials. 

Best wishes,



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