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The MeteorIto Project - By Mag. Teresita del Niño Jesús Maldonado Salazar

In Mexico, with the support of the US embassy, ​​the MeteorITo Project is being carried out with educational communities of Tech Secondary schools.

This is the result of the tireless work of Specialist Elsa Avilés, a specialist in Economic Affairs (Scientific) of the United States Embassy, ​​whose work has been crucial for The GLOBE Program to continue in Mexico.

The creators of the MeteorIto Project have developed a website with the the course contents  that they have conducted to the 20 participating of Tech high schools. It is not yet completed, but in the information on temperature and pressure and  section Us  it says: Thanks to The GLOBE Program and the support of the US Embassy in Mexico, for promoting scientific interest in young people and climate change, MeteorIto arises.

The website is open to all, hoping it will be useful for the GLOBE countries of Latin America.

In this Project,  students of Tech Secondary schools learned theoretically and experimentally the meteorological variables: temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, wind, water pollution, greenhouse gases and UV radiation.  To achieve significant learning,  "analog" instruments of each variable were built, made from recycled and easily accessible materials to exemplify the creation process as the original inventors did, thus discovering its operation.

In a complementary way, and in order to guide the course to the final elaboration of the meteorological station, students learned the basic operation of Arduino. Through codes and sensors, they understood the usefulness and practicability of these instruments.

At the final stage, the built Meteorological Station will be presented. Once the course is over, there will be an event where certificates participation will be delivered, meteorological stations will be presented, as well as a friendly coexistence with all the participants of MeteorITo, all this with the attendance by authorities of the US Embassy, ​​ and Mexican educational and environmental dignataries.

See you soon.

Magister Teresita Maldonado Salazar

Subdirectora de Educación Básica y Normal

Centro de Educación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Sustentable Semarnat


01 (55) 54 84 35 00 Ext. 15575

type: globe-news

News origin: Latin America and Caribbean
