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Earth Day Videos

To celebrate Earth Day we asked LAC Country Coordinators  to send videos that show how GLOBE is implemented in their schools. We are sharing  with you videos received from Argentina (3), Brazil (5), Suriname (1) and Colombia (1) . This last one arrived on the Earth Day Video broadcast, 21 April, 2017. 

Thanks to all  for your work to prepare these excellent videos!

Science Club Huechulafquen (Junin de Los Andes - Argentina)

Science Club CEI San Ignacio (Junín de los Andes - Argentina)

José Hernández School (Argentina)

CEM 111 High School (Brasilia - Brazil)

Minas Gerais Middle School (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)

Educational Centre Maria Auxiliadora (CEMA) (Brasilia - Brazil)

Rochester School (Chia, Cundinamarca - Colombia)

Suriname GLOBE teachers


News Topics: Video Calendar type: globe-news

News origin: Latin America and Caribbean
