
How to Submit Cloud Observations Using the GLOBE Observer App

The GLOBE Observer app (available for iPhones and Android devices) is a step-by-step way to submit cloud observations to NASA. Use your GLOBE sign-in information to sync your observations with your GLOBE data entry. 

Your latitude, longitude, and time of day with be filled in automatically by the app!

Cloud Covergae

No Clouds or Contrails Observable : If sky is completely clear assess sky color, sky visibility and surface conditions. Take photos and your done.

Clouds or Contrails Observable : There are clouds or contrails visible in the sky. Estimate total sky cover (required) and assess sky visibility and sky color (optional). High, mid and low level cloud type, fraction and opacity are optional parameters that provide useful data to our scientist in their investigation of contrails.

Obscured : Sky is over 25% obscured making it difficult to observe due to rain, snow, dust, fog, smoke, haze, volcanic ash, ocean spray, or blowing sand. NOTE: fog is a low-level cloud, AND an obscuration! Record and report the reason. Take photos and your done.



Sky Color and Visibility

Sky color and visibility are indicators of the amount of aerosols or particles in the sky.



Sky color : report when the sky is clear of clouds (0-10% cloud cover). It is easy to confuse a white-ish sky with really thin high clouds. Look for the bluest part of the sky and report that color.

Sky visibility : looks at how many aerosols or particles are in the sky near the ground. Only report it during the day.




Percentage of the whole sky covered in clouds.


Estimate total cloud cover or how much of the sky is covered by clouds no matter the type or height of cloud. Look at all clouds together and report the best percentage based on the example pictures. Be sure to include contrails.














Cloud Opacity

Opacity gives us an idea of how clouds interact with the Sun's light. 

Use the description below to estimate opacity. Look at the middle of the clouds and estimate a general appearance instead of each individual cloud.

Opacity General Appearance
Opaque Gray
Translucent Bright white 
Transparent Milky bluish white




Surface Conditions


Select Yes/No for each surface conditions. Standing water means many puddles. Leaves on tress refers to the majority of the deciduous trees around your observation site.

Surface measurements are for people that have instrumentation at hand to make those measurements. Feel free to skip these if needed.