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GLOBE Youth Geoscientist (GYG) Summer Internship Completes Year 2

Contributed by Tracy Ostrom, WestEd/UC Berkeley GLOBE Partnership

2022 GLOBE YOUTH GEOSCIENTIST interns, student leaders and facilitatorsThe GLOBE YOUTH GEOSCIENTIST (GYG) program provides a blend of earth system science field research with college readiness and career exploration. The GYG program held their second two-week summer program from June 27 to July 11 under a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The program trained 10 rising senior interns from throughout California to use GLOBE protocols to conduct a student-driven research investigation. The program took place at Lake Merritt in Oakland, California. Since this was the second year of the program, facilitators invited back three interns from last summer to serve as student leaders this summer. Student leaders guided the interns through protocols, assisted the 2022 interns in developing research questions, and facilitated icebreaker and reflection activities.

Interns collect hydrosphere data from Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA
After learning how to perform atmosphere, pedosphere and hydrosphere GLOBE protocols, student teams posed research questions related to an area that interested them. Interns performed a number of field measurements, created data visualizations, drew conclusions and presented their findings to the Oakland public and participating scientists. Additional components of the internship included presentations from scientists about their research as well as career exploration and college readiness. The program was led by staff at the Lawrence Hall of Science with support from the WestEd/UC Berkeley Department of Chemistry GLOBE Partnership. WestEd managed the program and conducted the evaluation components of the program.

Interns present their research to the Oakland public
A report to NSF will be due in the fall of 2022. A follow-up with each intern will also occur in the fall. The GLOBE Program will check in with all former interns in hopes that they will carry their research from the summer into their senior year for various project requirements. Additional support for college applications will also be given to the former interns as needed.

Photo captions (from top to bottom)

Photo 1: 2022 GLOBE Youth Geoscientist interns, student leaders and facilitators

Photo 2: Interns collect hydrosphere data from Lake Merritt

Photo 3: Interns present their research to the Oakland public  

News origin: United States of America
