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Interested in Presenting at the GLOBE Observer Connection-Conversation-Celebration Event on 26 July? Apply by 19 June

GO C3 Logo

You Are Invited to the Party!

GLOBE Observer Connection, Conversation, Celebration (GO C3) will be the first virtual gathering of volunteers who participate in GLOBE through The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer. Anyone may register to attend this free online event. The event will take place on 26 July, from 07-09 p.m. ET (11-1 UTC). 

This free event is part of The GLOBE Program's Annual Meeting; however, registration for the Annual Meeting is not required to attend the GO C3 session.

To learn more, and to register, click here.

Call for Presenters: Apply by 19 June

If you are interested in presenting at GO C3 (ages 13 and up only), apply by 19 June 2022 by creating a short video (up to four minutes long) explaining how GLOBE influences your life.

Tell a story using one or two of these questions as a prompt:

  • What have you learned or gained by volunteering with GLOBE?
  • What protocols do you use and how? Why did you choose that protocol? Is it related to an environmental issue in your community that concerns you?
  • How has GLOBE affected your decisions or how you interact with your environment?
  • What impact have you made on others since getting involved (influenced other people to join GLOBE, gotten involved in community service, made some other local impact)?
  • Do you have ideas or tips you’d like to share with other people volunteering with GLOBE?
  • What does participating in GLOBE mean to you?

We are interested in hearing from people of all experience levels, whether you joined GLOBE today or have been contributing for many years. In the video, please do not include any music (copyright issues), and please only use your own images in the video. Also use caution about saying or displaying any personally identifiable information (such as your last name or your address) in your video.

To submit, please upload your video to YouTube, then fill out the application form and include the YouTube link to your video. We will use the videos to select presenters and may share the videos as part of the event.

We look forward to meeting the community of volunteers who give so much to GLOBE and celebrating your contributions!

To learn more about The GLOBE Programs app, GLOBE Observer, click here.

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
