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Year 05 Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Begins 01 October! Focus Will be “Looking at Change Over Time and Organizing Student Research”

Trees Around the GLOBE Year 5 Announcement Shareable, with balloons and the title of the theme

The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will begin Year 05 on 01 October 2022. The focus for Year 5 will be: “Looking at Change Over Time and Organizing Student Research.”

The goal of the campaign is to help teachers guide students with their student research projects focusing on tree height, land cover, greenings (green-up/green-down), and carbon cycle by showcasing how to use new and archived GLOBE data, online data tools and maps, and bringing together GLOBE schools for project collaboration for the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) 2023.

For more information, please click here.


News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
