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RE: Growing more!!

Gozo College Xewkija Primary, modified 7 Months ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 15 Join Date: 11/7/19 Recent Posts
Hello, hope you are all safe!! Our schools in Malta are all closed all because of COVID-19 and we cannot post our daily measurements as usual, however, today I went with my son just to measure our leaves because we were too curious to see how big it has grown. Our fig tree was full of leaves and it made us both sooo happy that nature goes on and it is so nice compared to all the trouble in the world at the moment.
Leaf number  one is 18cm, the second leaf is 11.5cm and the third one is 5cm. The fourth one is still budding!!
Take care and stay safe friends all over the world!!
Lisa Dallas, modified 4 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/10/17 Recent Posts
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful post!  Thank you for your kind wordsemoticon
Lenka Kleger, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 85 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
I'm so glad to read your nice and optimistic words! Thank you for it. Nature truly is miraculous.
Take care.


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