GLOBAL News - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
GISN Website Pages Updated
Aug 27, 2018
The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) pages on the GLOBE website have been updated! If you are a GISN member, or would like to learn more about joining the GISN, then visit these pages today!
Specific updates include:
- The “GLOBE International STEM Network” information page ( now has more general information about the GISN, as well as specific information on how to participate and the requirements to become a member.
- The "Become a GISN Member Today!" page ( has been updated with additional information for potential applicants.
- The “Ways to Participate in the GISN” page ( has a newly designed graphic that removes the misconception that different types of participation are hierarchical.
And, most importantly, there is now a form for members to report on their GISN-related activities over the past year. (You can find the link to the form under GISN Resources or visit:
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office